Local Lawn Care Helps Raise $110,000 for NWI Victims

Steve Daly loves his community and growing things, so when the owner of the local lawn care decided last year that he would start using his off-season to help local charities, he would do it with the same principles that helped his business grow into NWI’s favorite lawn care service.

Similar to the way he runs Perma-Green, NWI’s longest-running local lawn care service, Daly worked as a team with his Valpo community to raise awareness and money for The Caring Place. He leveraged his SEO and digital marketing to engage donors.  It was a huge success!

Along with businesses Jano-Digital, Grieger’s Motors, Don Quijote, and the Valpo Restaurant Group, Daly and friends raised $110,000 for The Caring Place and the victims of domestic violence.

Daly’s Secret Weapon for Helping Others!

The team that raised $110,000 for victims of violence was lead by a local lawn care company

The Caring Place’s Denise Koebcke, Steve Daly, Jim Jano Janesheski, Elena Jambrina & Carlos Rivero

While many national lawn care companies will market themselves by sending salesmen door-to-door or offering questionable incentives, Daly’s grassroots approach to marketing comes with helping people with helpful solutions.

His informative blogs allow people in Northwest Indiana to find lawn care solutions through Google search engines. As a Valparaiso native that has been helping people find the best solutions for their lawns, Daly likes to use Perma-Green’s website and blogs to help locals grow healthy grass.

The Local Lawn Care did more then just use his seo to raise money, he donated over $3,000

The Local Lawn Care did more than just use its seo to raise money, he put his money where his mouth is. Here he is donating $3,000

His approach, called SEO, is the perfect platform for helping his customers. According to Daly, “My customers love the useful information and solutions we create with our blogs. I figured, if it can help local homeowners from all over Northwest Indiana, why not use our blog to help victims of abuse and sexual assault? One of the greatest challenges facing The Caring Place is getting people to break the silence. We worked with our SEO partner, Jano-Digital, to create a strategy for breaking the silence and raising the $110,000.”

How Valpo Used Creativity to Help Victims of Abuse

breaking the silence is the first step in helping victims of violence

According to Grieger’s blog, Fundraising for Victims of Violence, perhaps the greatest challenge in raising for such charities is getting people to talk about it. People seem to want to sweep the need for helping victims of domestic violence under the rug. Let’s face it, there are economic benefits in painting the picture that a town is perfect. A fundraiser for victims of domestic violence isn’t good for business.

The Perma-Green Blog Helped Break the Silence and Challenged NWI to Help!

The Perma-Green Blog challenged NWI to Help victims!

So how did Perma-Green break the silence that hides domestic violence? They created a blog called, Fundraiser Ideas! How Valpo Uses Creativity to Care For Victims of Domestic Violence. 

The blog challenged people in Valparaiso to use creativity along with their friends, family, and workplace to raise money.  In turn, it would be matched up to $20,000 by a friend named Howard Gutenstein from New Jersey. Statistics support that 84% of people are more likely to give if their donation is matched. People from all over read the blog and answered the call.

One powerful characteristic of SEO and blogging is that it meets people organically and can be found anywhere. The Valparaiso Meijer employees donated $10,000. Just a week later, The State Women of Meijers Group donated another $5,000.

When the Fundraiser Stalled… it Got a Hand from another Local Business!

Grieger's stepped up and created a blog to jump start the fundraiser. They had $110,000 by the next week.

But with a week to go before Christmas, the fundraiser plateaued at $65,000. It needed a hand in getting a jump start! Fortunately for The Caring Place, Grieger’s Motors’ Brad Hallal read the Perma-Green blog and was inspired.

That’s when Grieger’s Motors created a second blog that helped give the local fundraiser a boost.

The blog promoted matching funds up to $20,000, the chance for people to sign a Giant Christmas Card for any donation, and a FREE Valparaiso History book called, Making Paradise for anyone that donated more than $50.

The second wave was very successful. According to Jim Jano, who handles both Perma-Green and Grieger’s SEO and blogs,The Caring Place went from a charity that nobody would talk about to the most talked about nonprofit in Northwest Indiana. By breaking the silence and meeting people online with engaging, thought-provoking content, the Northwest Indiana community met the challenge and donated over $110,000.

Meet the Caring Place!

Perma-Green’s Cydney Daly participates in a Roller Derby to benefit The Caring Place. The acorn falls close to the Tree

The Caring Place is a non-profit social service organization serving the needs of domestic violence and sexual assault victims. Our organization primarily serves victims in Lake, Porter, and Starke counties in Northwest Indiana, but may include victims across the country.

The Caring Place, Inc. provides inclusive service, shelter, and ongoing support for people experiencing domestic violence.  Through advocacy, education, and awareness, we empower people to build supportive, respectful, and compassionate relationships.

The Caring Place envisions a community free from domestic violence in which all people engage in healthy relationships, effectively supported by a society committed to nurturing respect and non-violence.

The Caring Place brings smiles to everyone it touches!

The Caring Place is the only 24-hour crisis line and emergency shelter in Porter County.

It costs $2,300 per month to provide food for those in shelters.

It costs $73,352 per month to run The Caring Place facilities and all its programs.

Article by Jim Jano Janesheski

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