With this summer’s extreme humidity, lawn fungus has become a severe issue in Northwest Indiana. As with any region with varying climates, NWI is considered by experts as a humid continental climate. This means it experiences hot and humid summers and cold winters. These weather conditions can create an environment conducive to high levels of lawn fungus.
The challenges facing this year’s turf are significant. The mild winter never knocked out last year’s pests and diseases, so they are abundant this year! Now, compounding the issue with the high heat and inconsistent rain, lawns have become an incubator for disease! Combine all this with the last three years of near-drought conditions, and this year’s lawn fungus epidemic could end in an ugly finish—no pun intended!
Spring Drought & Summer’s High Humidity

With this year’s extreme weather, Northwest Indiana lawns can’t catch a break. It started with spring’s drought conditions. After three consecutive years of near-drought conditions, this spring’s drought couldn’t have come at a worse time. According to Steve Daly of Perma-Green, a lawn can only take so much before plants start dying. Daly leveraged his Perma-Green website, blogs, and podcasts as a
means of educating NWI homeowners on the significance of watering correctly.
Just as Daly was wrapping up his community education on best-practice watering for different soil types, another unexpected challenge emerged. Humidity!
Heat, excessive humidity, and moisture fuel the spread of fungi associated with leaf spots, dollar spots, necrotic ring spots, brown/summer patches, and red threads, to name a few.
Daly’s Podcast Get Green Northwest Indiana takes on Lawn Fungus & High Humidity.
High humidity and warm summer temperatures can promote the growth of fungi like dollar spot, brown patch, and red thread. Meanwhile, snow mold may become an issue during the colder winter months when snow covers the grass for extended periods.
For expert advice on lawn fungus, tune in to NWI’s podcast, Get Green, Northwest Indiana | Lawn Care Solutions with Steve Daly. As a supplement to his blog, Daly and his Perma-Green team have prepared a guide to help you care for your lawn during this humid season.
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly! | Lawn Fungus and Your Turf!

The Good
Lawn fungus refers to various fungal infections that can affect the grass in your lawn or yard. Fungi are a natural part of the ecosystem and play essential roles in decomposition and nutrient cycling. However, when certain fungi become overly abundant or conditions are favorable for their growth, they can cause problems for your Northwest Indiana lawn.
But according to Daly, the best defense is a strong defense offense, or at least when it applies to your lawn. Much like why a healthy lawn will intimidate weed growth, the best approach to preventing lawn fungus from damaging your lawn is best-practice lawn care, such as a full-season lawn care plan, mowing correctly, and watering your lawn right.

The Ugly
For more on watering, check out Daly’s 3 part podcast on watering your lawn, or read his blog called, Guide to Watering Lawn in Northwest Indiana
Common types of Northwest Indiana Lawn Fungus

Dollar Spot: This fungus causes small, silver-dollar-sized spots on the grass blades, usually during periods of high humidity and low nitrogen levels in the soil.
Brown Patch: Brown patch fungus creates circular brown or tan grass patches, often with a darker outer ring. It thrives in warm, humid weather and can spread quickly.
Fairy Ring: This unique fungus forms circular, dark green rings in the grass, often with mushrooms or puffballs growing along the outer edge.
Powdery Mildew: Powdery mildew appears as a white, powdery substance on the grass blades, particularly in shaded and damp areas.
Red Thread: This fungus creates reddish threads on the grass blades and can cause patches of dead or weak-looking grass.
Snow Mold: Snow mold fungi are active in winter and cause circular patches of dead, matted grass as the snow melts in the spring.

Summer Patch Disease Photo Credit: agry.purdue.edu
Necrotic Ring: Necrotic ring spot is a common disease of turf caused by soil-borne fungi that mainly infects roots. It destroys the appearance of turfgrasses.
Summer Patch Disease: Summer patch-diseased bluegrass initially takes on a yellow color, then becomes brown as affected plants die.
How to Prevent & Manage NWI Lawn Fungus from High Humidity
Typically, a full-season lawn care and aeration program customized to your lawn’s soil requirements will provide your lawn with the necessary nutrients throughout the season.
According to Perma-Green, homeowners play a crucial role in preventing and managing lawn fungus. By following best-practice lawn maintenance, such as regular mowing, appropriate watering, providing adequate drainage, and ensuring proper soil health with the right nutrients, you can effectively control lawn fungus in Northwest Indiana.
Mowing: Keep your lawn at the recommended height for the specific grass type, as cutting it too short can stress the grass and make it more susceptible to fungal attacks.
Watering: Water deeply and infrequently, preferably in the early morning, to allow the grass to dry before evening and prevent prolonged periods of moisture that favor fungal growth.
Aeration: Periodic aeration can help improve soil drainage and reduce the chances of fungal problems.
Fertilization: Properly fertilize the lawn to maintain good grass health and resilience.
Remove Debris: Regularly clean up leaves, thatch, and other debris from the lawn, as these can provide a breeding ground for fungal spores.
Proper Plant Selection: Choose grass types that are well-suited to the climate and soil conditions in Northwest Indiana, as healthier grass is more resistant to diseases.
To help the Northwest Indiana community with best-practice lawn maintenance, you’ll want to check out Perma-Green’s useful table and charts for NWI lawn care. They also have numerous other tools for keeping your turf healthy and strong.
Turf Grass Disease | Lawn Fungass Treatment!
Despite best efforts, lawn fungus can still occur, especially with this summer’s high humidity. If you notice signs of lawn fungus, such as discolored patches or unusual growths, you must take action promptly. Identifying the specific fungus is crucial for choosing the most effective lawn fungus treatment.
Fungicides may also treat severe cases but are best combined with other cultural practices. If you suspect your lawn has a fungus problem, it’s essential to correctly identify the type of fungus to apply the most appropriate treatment. A senior-level lawn care company certified through Turfgrass Science at Purdue University, such as Perma-Green, can help you identify the specific fungus and recommend suitable remedies for your lawn.
Tools that Measure Average Soil Temp and Average Soil Moisture in NWI
Perma-Green’s Community Pages provide Average Soil Temperature Tools and Average Soil Moisture. These tools empower Perma-Green customers to measure factors that lead to incubation. Such information can allow corrective actions that prevent lawn fungus and disease.
Perma-Green created a lawn care page for each county and city it serves. This page is committed to helping homeowners with lawn care tools, apps, and tips. Recently, Perma-Green added tools that measure NWI average soil temperature and average soil moisture. Here is a link to the Northwest Indiana Directory. Please select your county or town and bookmark it for 24/7 lawn care solutions.
Northwest Indiana Lawn Solution Page | Directory by City and County
For more information on Lawn Fungus and the best solutions for preventing lawn disease from Northwest Indiana’s Extreme Humidity, contact Perma-Green today!
Written by Jim Jano Janesheski
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